
Finding Inspirational Movies

Heed The Scary Lessons Found In 1980S Eric Roberts Movies

A cursory look over the career biography of Eric Roberts may surprise movie enthusiasts. "Prolific" serves as an appropriate adjective to describe his career. Over the past decade, Roberts made appearances in scores of movies, television shows, and short subjects. While his current output is impressive, his work in the early 1980s reveals several of the best remembered Eric Roberts movies. Not only do these films display excellent acting talent, but the features also present moral lessons for viewers to learn. Read More 

About Me

Finding Inspirational Movies

After wasting yet another date night on a terrible movie, I decided that it was probably time to start doing a little more research before we picked a flick. Instead of choosing a random movie with an exciting trailer, we started paying closer attention to critic reviews. The difference was incredible. The movies had a lot more of a storyline, and we started noticing that we felt inspired when we left the theater, instead of disappointed and depressed. This blog is dedicated to busy parents who want to see a good movie. Check out these great articles on how to find the movies you will love.

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